Recommended Resources

A Selection of Our Favourite Educational Resources
Here at West Town Farm, education is central to almost everything we do. We really want our visitors and guests to understand how the natural environment works, why it's important and how we can protect it. As a farm, we are passionate about ensuring that we farm sustainably and support a rich diversity of wildlife on our land.
Book: 'Rooted - Stories of Life, Land and a Farming Revolution' by Sarah
Book: 'Regenerative Agriculture - A Practical Whole Systems Guide to
Making Small Farms Work' by Richard Perkins
Book: 'Wilding' by Isabella Tree
Author: Joel Salatin
Podcast: 'Wicked Leeds' by Guy Singh Watson
Film: 'The Biggest Little Farm'
Meat and Cooking
Book: 'Meat - A Benign Extravagance' by Simon Fairlie
Book: 'Pigs & Pork - River Cottage Handbook No. 14' by Gill
Cookbook: 'Too Good to Waste' by Victoria Glass
Cookbook: '30 Easy Ways to Join the Food Revolution' by Ollie Hunter