
Learning With The Land
OrganicARTS is an educational charity that promotes creative farm-based learning for a healthy future.
They host walks, classes, workshops, farm visits, community wellbeing projects and volunteers.
Organic Arts have been based at West Town Farm for more than twenty years and also work within the
wider community. To learn more, visit their website organicarts.org.uk

OrganicARTS offer practical and creative activities within a beautiful and stimulating setting and are happy to create workshops and projects that meet your needs. The team have a wealth of experience and also draw upon a wider network of partnerships.
They regularly work with the general public, schools, children’s centres and family groups, offering
farm-based learning that can be creative and
cross curricular.
Working with adults who have mental, social and physical challenges, they take pride in offering a supportive environment for creative and practical activities. Yet also serve various community groups and individuals with workshops ranging from nature-based art activities, environmental exploration and community gardening. To learn more, visit their website here!
Photo credit: Julie Smith